Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A walk to remember -

Si said to Yun "I would give up if there would ever be a choice". Well, choice would never be a choice if there is no decision to make, isn't it.

Everyone loves fantasies. To Yun, Si is like a fantasy, a dream long comes true, a mirage built since she is 4 years old; a combination of psychological interpretations/validations of values Yun had for herself, after old wounds, hurts, realities, and so on.

Everyone has the tendency to say "I would give up reality for fantasy” because it just feels good when it come to the point that a fantasy is to be realized.

So said Si.

But, when everything back to normal and when sunlight starts to emerge, would he still say so?? Would he look into her eyes when difficult times comes and say “here I am”; when even more mishap hits?? Would he still say so???

Yun doubts.

So the best thing to do, at this point, Yun thought, - is to live at this moment, mindfully……….

Thursday, November 17, 2011

USCIS seeking public input on EB5 adjudication policy/美国移民局公开向公众寻求EB5审理意见

USCIS Draft Policy Memo EB5
I invite my friends who are interested please take a look of the above link and email USCIS Headquarters office to provide feedback on this engagement, areas of concern that are not currently being addressed by USCIS, or requests for additional information. Email:


Monday, November 14, 2011


前阵子总有朋友问我这个问题,当听到我否定的答案时他们满脸的困惑好像我瞬时间毁灭了他们的美国梦。 我只需要简单的列几条原因供各位看官自己定夺:
1. Okay,首先,在10月20号的时候。由美国参议员Senators Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., 和Mike Lee, R-Utah 提出了这样一个法案 “Visa Improvements to Stimulate International Tourism to the United States of America Act, or VISIT-USA Act”  (S.1746)法案有很多内容,最被国内读者误解的部分就是在国内买50万美元的房产就可以获得绿卡。 ??? wait a minute.... 先不说这只是一个法案,我也不想在这里给大家长篇累牍的解释在美国法案(提案)变成法律需要多么复杂的立法程序(这个可以找我的法学教授Prof. Heyman)。 先说说这个法案里指的“renewable three-year resident visas不是大家想像的绿卡!这是一个在现行法律上没有定义的签证,即不导致公民身份,也没有工作权利。不过不得不叹服Mr.Schumer and Mr. Lee的想象力及对EB-5的联想能力(50万美金投资房地产)。

2. 美国现行投资移民法律最基本的法理及Congressional Intention 是“创造就业”,万变不离其宗。如果没有为美国经济制造就业,就没有满足现行法律的要求,是无论如何不可能符合投资移民的要求的。不论是100万的项目还是50万区域中心,偏远地区或者TEA投资,都是如此。 “就业”。。。。因此,只要是投钱就能办绿卡的这种说法,如果是正确的话,也要忽略很重要的中间推理部分----- 就业是怎么满足的。。。。

3. 目前美国的政治经济环境, 明年初的总统大选,都使得任何任何关于移民改革的法案通过付出巨大的政治代价。可能吗?如果是非法移民亲属类可能还快些,sadly speaking.....

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Life is elsewhere.

A View from Hotel room. - Shanghai

I was born in Anhui, went school in Shanghai and thereafter graduation since obtained Shanghai household registration, by law technically a Shanghainess.  Whenever I visit hometown where my parents and my loved ones live, I will still talk with my hometown dialect, as if I never been outside of that city and never been studied abroad. Whenever home, I would always argue with my parents, made a headache with everyone. By the time I was tired of business travels and felt blue, I will always receive a call from mom. And at the other end of the line, she would always say something trivial and I would always listen quietly without saying one word, by the time I hang up world starts to rebuild again…

Shanghai in October always feels sweeter as the air is suffused with aroma of sweet olive (桂花 in Chinese). There were bushes of sweet olives by the window of the dormitory I used to live ten years ago. This time I went back again and glad to see the bushes are still there, and blooming as usual….. I strolled through the campus with J and showed him a small court I used to play basketball at night by myself, felt nothing but peace….

Life elsewhere,  living at present.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

To Helen

I was recently approached by few Chinese investors expressing the same feeling of great pain in selecting EB5 projects. I couldn't help but wonder "why should the pressure/punishment are rested on our innocent investors when they whole-heartedly invest half million US dollar to a US government designated regional center hoping to change the lives/dreams for themselves and the next generation. And never felt a sense of relief that they are in good hands after investing..." how much trust they had put in with the particular project to entrust their substantial investment, energy, fear, unsettled confidence, family/business future to the point to engage....

It is so not fair...

I feel sorry to hear that you have been suffering from EB5 decisions. It must involves a lot of confusion over many disarrayed information that I can relate to myself. Many times my Chinese clients come to me with the exact complicated feeling towards EB5 and its almost a love/hate feeling at the same time. I have to say that a lot of factors contribute to this feeling with majority involves investor’s sense of uncertainty and fear of being lied to for 1. Job creation and business reliability and 2. Investment repay . Also because of the un-regulated marketing practice of certain Eb5 projects, there are A LOT of bad projects out there in China market (that sells quite well I have to say). .......
I want YOU to feel a sense of relief and comfort regardless which project you choose. I sincerely wish all the best with you and your family.